
movin' on up

finished building all my backgrounds. currently editing 'em all.

bg/color test! this is essentially what my film is going to look like:
in other news, i've been meaning to do this forever but 
i'm finally moving my junk over to tumblr.

i'll still post here but i will be posting much more
frequently on tumblr so follow me there!


we don't need our heads


my film is currently underway! exciting!
colors have been chosen! backgrounds are being built! 
anxiety is setting in! overusage of exclamation marks!


you're goddamn right

i was involved with the breaking bad themed redditgifts exchange. 
this was what i made for my giftee!

"my name is heisenberg, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!"
nothing beside remains. round the decay
of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
the lone and level sands stretch far away.

if you aren't watching breaking bad, i question what you are doing with your life.


fourth year

so the summer flew past and it's already two weeks into fourth year. what.

this summer i interned at six point harness studios in LA.
these are a bunch of cut-out caricatures of some of the people i met there 
that i gave as goodbye presents because they are all amazing.

i scrapped my wholesome fourth year film idea from last year. my current idea 
in the works involves a girl, a dead body and some severed limbs. so cute!

animation test! because this is my idea of a fun time.



some things i pooped out for
my potential fourth year film idea!
(clearly, i am in love with wes anderson.)



la fin (est proche)


the first happened in the victim's very bed.
the second was an accident, or so everybody said.
the third was infidelity at its very rotten core.
the fourth is splattered across the kitchen door.

super late upload! character designs from life drawings.


the cotton club

school's been so hectic lately, i haven't even had time to post my final aa!